Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Generational Diversity in the Workplace - 1445 Words

Generational Diversity in the Workplace Managerial Communications 10/14/2011 Today, the workplace environment is comprised of people, both males and females from all different cultures and generations. For the first time in U.S. history there are four different generations out in the workforce. A generation can be defined as a group of individuals born within a term years having similar ideas, goals, attitudes and experiences. It can also be defined as the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their children. Resources differ as to when some generations start and end; a generation is usually around 20 years long. generational differences are based on broad variations in values that develop based on the†¦show more content†¦They are cause-oriented, workaholics and believe in company loyalty. They care what others think of them but do not take criticism well and may be insulted by constant feedback. Boomers would rather perceive their boss as a friend. Generation X grew up in a period of financial, familial and societal insecurity. They witnessed their parents get laid off despite making sacrifices. They also witness a decline of American global power. Some defining moments and trends of this generation are the end of the Cold War, the Challenger disaster, Sesame Street, MTV, personal computers, AIDS and divorce. Generation Xers grew up with both parents working or divorced parents, becoming the first generation of â€Å"latch key kids†. As a result, they are highly independent, resilient and adaptable. This is the first generation expected to earn less than their parents. They are a skeptical and will question authority. Gen Xers are goal oriented, they want to be challenged, willing to take risks and forget the rules. They also aspire to balance work/personal life. The newest generation has many titles, but most popular is Generation Y or Millennials. 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