Sunday, December 29, 2019

Interview The Interview Technique Essay - 752 Words

ANSWER 3) a) the interview technique is one of the best technique to collect the data. The concept of interview technique is understand as below :- INTERVIEW TECHNNIQUE :- The collection of the meaningful data, that is able to work as information at a certain stage of research methodology is a necessity in today’s marketing oriented competitive world. For this purpose large number of methods or techniques is available but verbal method is used very commonly for the collection of the data is the â€Å"Interview method†. collecting information verbally from informants, using a question and answer format. Interviews can be conducted in different ways, such as in person or over the phone. Interviews can be fairly unstructured, allowing you to be flexible in deciding what questions to ask or how to best ask the question, or can be tightly scripted, requiring you to ask questions the same way across respondents. According to Vivien Palmar, â€Å"the interview constitutes a social situation between the two persons, the psychological process involved requiring both the individuals mutually respond through the social research. The purpose of the interview calls for a varied response from the two parties concerned†. Benefits : 1. Very good technique for getting the information about the complex, emotionally laden subjects. 2. Can be easily adapted to the ability of the person being interviewed. 3. Yields a good percentage of returns. 4. Yields perfect sample of the general population. 5.Show MoreRelatedInterview, The Skills And Techniques Used, And Closure Of The Interview2275 Words   |  10 PagesThis paper will discuss the skills from the video demonstration and provide a self-assessment of the beginning of the interview, the skills and techniques used, and closure of the interview. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Instructions for Submitting an Electronic Proposal and a...

Instructions for submitting an electronic proposal (preferred): The offeror may use to submit their offer/proposal electronically. The electronic submission provides a complete proposal package validating data and attachments.GSA provides free digital certificates to promote the use of the eOffer electronic proposal website. Once a contract has been awarded, the offeror may use eMod to submit contract modifications as needed. Instructions for submitting a paper proposal: The offeror must complete and return the SF1449 (signed copy), Vendor Response Document (this document), and the required/optional attachments. It is NOT necessary to return the solicitation document. By signing and submitting the†¦show more content†¦(_______) __________________ FAX NO. ________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ K-FSS-1 AUTHORIZED NEGOTIATORS (MAR 1998) The offeror shall, in the spaces provided below, fill in the names of all persons authorized to negotiate with the Government in connection with this request for proposals or quotations. (List the names, titles, telephone numbers and electronic mail addresses of the authorized negotiators.) NAMES TITLES TELEPHONE NUMBERS ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESSES GOODS SERVICES: The offeror must select one or more Special Item Numbers (SIN). Insert (Y/N) to indicate which SINs are being requested in this proposal or the offeror may delete all SIN(s) which are not being proposed in order to decrease the size of the Vendor Response Document. If a SIN is selected, the offer must contain all the requested information for that SIN. If SubSIN categories exist, at least one SubSIN category must be selected for each SIN. ___132 3 Leasing of Products - SUBJECT TO COOPERATIVE PURCHASING Will the offeror participate in Cooperative Purchasing (State and Local) for this SIN? ____ (Yes/No) Scope of Contract (552.238-78 Alternate I) select one of the following: ___ Contractor will provide domestic and overseasShow MoreRelatedRfp Inventory Control Essay5651 Words   |  23 PagesRequest for Proposal An Inventory Control System Just Seeds Unlimited Co. 4105 Stuart Andrew Blvd Unit #3 Charlotte, NC 28217 704.222.2222 Distribution List (TBD) Linnea L. Williams PM598 – May 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 5 1.1. General Description of Work 5 1.2. What Must Be Included with Bid 5 1.3. Schedule of Bid Period Activities 6 1.4. Location of Work 6 1.5. Pre-Bid Meeting 7 1.6. 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The online is at once a world wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. In this paper online several of us involved in the development and evolution of the share our views of its origins and history. This history revolves around four distinct aspects. There is the technological evolution that began with early research on packet switchingRead MoreOnline Banking System11322 Words   |  46 Pagescapabilities. The online is at once a world wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. In this paper online several of us involved in the development and evolution of the share our views of its origins and history. This history revolves around four distinct aspects. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Automated Voting System Free Essays

This chapter discuss about the The Student Council elections have always been a perennial activity for every school. It is an activity wherein each student is required to choose from a set of candidates who will represent each position in the Student Council. In order for the student to accomplish this, the student must go through several processes. We will write a custom essay sample on Automated Voting System or any similar topic only for you Order Now First the student must go to the Administration Office if he is a registered voter, then goes to the voting area and chooses the candidates he likes. After that, the student submits the filled-up ballot form to the voting administrator in order for his votes to be cast. Then the student is marked with an indelible ink to signify that he has already voted. After all the votes have been cast, the voting procedure goes again through several processes. The votes are collected and are then counted, which could take several hours to several days, depending on the volume of votes. Background of the Study The chapter discuss computers greatly enhance the speed and efficiency of voting process. Results could be attained even right after the elections reducing the time to a mere fraction compared to the time it takes if the voting is done manually. It also increases the level of the voting experience because of multimedia enhancements. The present generation, people became more literate especially with the use of computers. Technologies emerged to introduce many different ways of advancement. Computer machines are of these. Computers now in existence are the most powerful machines than can do anything people’s lives. It is in this effect that the proponent has decided to propose a system to improve the existing manual voting system. The proponent aims to convert the existing manual system into an automated voting system. Information Technology Elections are held in every school year for the BSIT students of Arellano University-Pasig. Where the positions are President, Vice- Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, P. I. O, and First year to Fourth year Representative. Using computers would make the election faster. With the new system, votes are tallied and transmitted electronically. How to cite Automated Voting System, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Social and Historical Background to Great Expectations Essay Example For Students

Social and Historical Background to Great Expectations Essay When the book Great expectations, was written a real education was unachievable. Miss Woples School, which dickens uses in his book is a prime example of parents sending their children to school, to a teacher who knows little more than the child, Dickens is trying to indicate how negative the educational system was, maybe because it failed him. Any crime had severe sentencing, which indicates that the legal system was still evolving. The character Magwitch, who played a role in Pips life, was sentenced to Australia, returned to England to help his savoir Pip, but is then executed for returning. In Victorian times, family life for the middle and upper class was extremely important, as the families were large and living together in big houses, life was very comfortable for them and enjoyable. Poor and working class families, such as Dickenss were forced to work in factories doing dangerous jobs. Children were being exploited, into doing harsh dangerous work, for little pay and no gratitude. Families were forced to eat scraps of food and to drink water from drains. The mother of the family was in charge of the organisation of household and social events, such as dinner parties. She was in charge of the upbringing of the children, by using any means necessary, this included whipping and canning of the child, to teach the child the differences of right and wrong, a power which some mothers obviously would have abused. There was a social divide between the rich and the poor, the poor not having enough food and starving to death in gutters, while the looked down upon the poor, this had a big impact upon dickens, because he saw the world in a unique way, where people who were equals in life treated each other so badly.