Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - Term Paper Example The discovery of smallest planet, the discovery of earth like planet and some huge planets were explained in this part. The thirst for knowing more about our universe has developed in the minds of the human only after science and technology started to develop rapidly. Earlier, human had very little knowledge about our universe and our planet, but as science started to unveil the mysteries about the universe, one after another, humans started to dream about finding life in other planets also. They started to investigate more about other planets in the solar system and the possibility of life existing there. But so far, no planets in the solar system appear to be having life forms because of the extreme weather conditions there. The failure to find life forms in the planets of the solar system forced the human to look beyond the boundaries of our solar system in search of life forms which resulted in the discovery of many other planets in the recent times. Planets found outside the solar system is generally termed as Extrasolar planet or exoplanet. As of from now scientists have discovered around 500 such planets outside the solar system with the help of indirect methods such as radial velocity observations and direct methods or direct imaging technologies using powerful telescopes. The discovered exoplanets were large and small in size compared to the earth. It is scientifically proved that a substantial number of stars may have planetary system like the sun. Exoplanets became a matter of interest in the nineteenth century when the scientists and technologists started their space exploration actively to find extraterrestrial life with the help of powerful telescopes and other modern technological equipments. On September 30 2010, Paul Butler and his colleague Steven Vogt of the University of California at Santa Cruz, â€Å"announced the discovery of a rocky planet in another solar system that has the most basic and essential conditions needed to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hartwick College Essay Example for Free

Hartwick College Essay In this extract, we are shown insight into what Pips character has become, by reacquainting him with the convict Magwitch. In this second visit, we can see the contrast between Pips first encounter, and this more shocking scene how Pips persona has changed from an innocent youth, to a selfish, egocentric gentleman. Also, we are given the startling revelation of Pips true benefactor, in a cumulative peak of excitement enriched with Dickens unique writing style. Throughout the text, Pips manner towards others, his way of thinking and even his narrative voice transform to create two reasonably different characters. The extract pictures him as a selfish, pompous young man who shows great ingratitude towards Magwitch asking inhospitably enough whether he would like to come in and pushing away a plea for affection, from one who has worked hard all his life merely to provide Pip with a great wealth, and an undemanding lifestyle. When Magwitch returns to greet his beneficiary, he is treated with less than minor courtesy. Pips younger character however appears far more innocent, showing respect and even compassion towards a convict, who threatens and oppresses him, glad that his stolen food is enjoyed by a complete stranger. This highlights a stark contrast between the Pip displayed in the extract, and Pips younger self. Indeed Dickens seems to point out the irony of such a title at the point in time when society considers him gentleman he is anything but gentle instead he appears malicious and critical of his former friend Joe whose visit he awaits with mortification. The wealthy gentleman is now a moral shadow of the impoverished yet guiltless Pip we are introduced to at the beginning of the story. His simultaneous ascent to aristocracy and fall into selfish spendthrift, leading to his subsequent redemption, are reminiscent of the education novel popular at the time. These tales of apprenticeship were often of mistreated orphans who managed to become wealthy and successful. The stories featured the many obstacles that the hero/heroine would have to overcome, and their popularity peaked around Dickens time. Typically, they explore the youth and young adulthood of a sensitive protagonist who is in search of the meaning of life and the nature of the world (David Cody, Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College.) They tended to contain autobiographical elements, and were sometimes influenced by contemporary social and industrial transformations. There are also some other genres on which the story touches upon, namely the sensation novel the numerable plot twists and shocking revelations form a large part of the structure in this extract we see the startling disclosure of Pips true benefactor, which most contemporaneous readers would perhaps not have guessed. Indeed, these climatic scenes are pivotal to the books success as a serialisation, as well as a novel. To maintain interest in a book that is staged in weekly instalments, Dickens uses a variety of sub-plots to keep the reader engrossed. This eccentric writing style gives the text a unique quality, and the overall effect on the reader is one of shock and intrigue. The rendezvous with the convict in the graveyard, and his death, Miss Havishams fire, and the showdown with Orlick are among the most memorable climaxs we experience as well as Pips second meeting with Magwitch. In this passage, we can see how the writer cultivates tension and makes the most of Magwitchs secret. When extract reaches a pinnacle of excitement, many sentences become long and drawn out, and sentence complexity increases, leaving the shorter, snappier why, Wemmick and would it be J? to further promote interest in the plot, and give a tense, nervous atmosphere. As the scene draws to its zenith, as Pips heart (beats) like a heavy hammer of disordered action, we see powerful metaphors, and repetition of prominent, emotive language (dangers, disgraces, consequences) to give a sense of anxiety and intensify the scene. Language is also used here to alienate the convict from Pip himself. The rich, throaty slang of Magwitchs arterwards, speclated and warmint contrasts against Pips more noble speeches of how he cannot wish to renew that chance intercourse and inquires of the messenger since he undertook that trust. The way Dickens estranges Magwitch from Pip is significant: it symbolizes the delusional notion that Pip is a gentleman, and that he is superior to the convict. Pip believes himself to be changed since that first chance meeting in the graveyard, and thinks that he is now above Magwitch, who is after all a criminal. The irony experienced by the reader is that Pips great wealth and upper class lifestyle is solely attributable to Magwitch himself, and this too is the source of the shock Pip describes. The way Dickens depicts Pips feelings is extremely powerful, as we see Pip suffocating merely from the shock of this news, news that his almost successful attempt to become a gentleman was funded by the dark relic of his youth, whos felonious past appears further from gentry as is possible. This is of course, not the first time we see Pips character interrupted by members of his childhood there was his meeting with Mr Pocket on his arrival to London, and more important, Joes visit to Pip in his London flat. This meeting, like the one with Magwitch we see in the extract, stresses the change we have seen in Pips character by comparing his manner towards someone he knew as a boy, and how he acts towards them now. Upon his visit, Joe is not treated with hostility as such, but Pip denotes that he certainly would have paid money to keep him from coming. As a boy, Pip always stayed friends with Joe despite his obvious stupidity and clumsiness, yet now he wishes more than anything to avoid him. Pips dismissal of Joe in this way turns the reader against him slightly up until now we have supported Pip as the good guy. Pips corruption from an innocent youngster to a snide gentleman, and then back into a more honourable businessman. This cycle of purity, corruption and redemption is an ongoing theme in Great Expectations, and makes subtle references to Christian beliefs of how the life of greed and sin that Pip lived in London, on the wealth of a convict, lead to a corroded innocence that was only liberated through his consequent illness and then his new beginning with Estella. The other theme that appears in the novel, is that of justice and the just punishment of crime. We first see this in the appearance of a convict (though this method of punishment was stopped in 1868 several years after the novel was written) and Dickens portrayal of him as an honest man, who admits to the theft of some broken wittles and a dram of liquor to save Pip from his sister, Mrs Joe. And again, Mrs Joe herself ties in to the punishment theme, her harsh disciplining of her husband and brother again lets us sympathise with those who are chastised, and not the chastisers. Later in the book, we see another example of this when Magwitch is caught. And more subtle instances of punishment such as Mrs Havisham burning for her corruption of Estella (corruption almost being a theme in itself) are also present in the text, giving us a thorough impression of how those who commit crime will always be brought to justice. The time setting of the novel allows Dickens to include these ideas of corporal punishment, convicts and public hangings. To a modern reader, these archaic, brutal methods of upholding the law appear old-fashioned. However, readers of the time would most probably have experienced these events fist-hand, in one way or another. Moral preachings of more passive action towards prisoners and criminals would be relatively new to them, whereas nowadays such views are accepted as standard. The feelings created by the views Dickens has on delinquency, and its retribution, are therefore significantly different between readers of-the-time and present day students. As a modern audience, we also feel compelled, excited, and fascinated by the books intricate plotlines, particularly in this extract. To inspire such strong emotions, Dickens uses many lingual and structural functions, the aforementioned effectiveness of metaphors and imagery to name one. He also writes in the 1st person, which is pivotal to the feelings the book creates: the story is far more personal and involving. Dickens also entwines his plots and subplots very carefully to create a prominent air of tension. As he builds up to the climax of one plot twist, he continues to insert little mini-dramas that leave us waiting for the main storyline to continue. He does this quite often in the novel, and it makes the reading most tense and far less predictable. To a less observant reader, Magwitchs return would be a complete surprise this is where the majority of this extracts attraction lies. Overall, this extract is in fact one of the most outstanding scenes in the book. The build up of excitement before the final revelation of Pip your him! is done with a variety of complex, literary devices, and the twist in the plot and return of a familiar character add to its success. It calls attention to Pips new assumed role, as a self-centred ungrateful gentleman, and is characteristic of Dickens writing style.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why Terrorism Should Be a Global Concern Essay -- essays research pape

The war on terror is at the peak and there are vivid indications that every stone will be turned to halt it. A central assumption is that terrorism is a religious war, apparently between Christians and the Muslims. This is just a moral claim that terrorists are using to attract more people over to their side, as well as create solidarity among the Muslims. As a result, the imagery and the reality of terrorism differ overwhelmingly. There are various terror occurrences around the globe that are similar and can be classified as terrorism. Otherwise, terrorism has been a means to carry on a conflict without the antagonist realizing the nature of the threat, mistaking terrorism for criminal activity. Terrorism should be a global concern because it is fast spreading around the globe raising terror. It has been facilitated by the use of religion as a justification for terrorist activities, proliferation of local terrorist groups, and political instability among and within various world wid e nations. In spite of terrorism apparent proliferation around the globe, some people may maintain that it should not be a global concern. It is important to realize that terrorism has not affected all nations in the world. Therefore, some people might argue that it does not warranty global concern. Don Van Natta, Jr. A columnist for the New York Times and Name 2 writer of the article â€Å"A World Made More Dangerous as Terrorism Spreads† scrutinizes wrote in his article activity in the world and identifies the countries that are involved. Natta Jr finds out that there is terrorist activity in every continent but only a few and specific countries are involved (Natta Jr 340). Hence, terrorist involvement accounts for only a small percentage of the c... ...understanding these root causes of the problem as the first step towards ending the war. Then, uniting the whole world under one course for peace love and unity will be the greatest war against terrorism. Works cited Crusious, Timothy W. and Carolyn E. Channel. Aims of Argument. 5th ed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2006. Philip Jenkins. â€Å"Why Terrorism?† Images of Terror: What we can and can’t know about Terrorism 2003. Crusious and Channel 320-325. Rohan Gunaratna. â€Å"The Al Qaeda Threat and the International Response† Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror 2002. Crusious and Channel 326-339. Don Van Natta Jr. â€Å"A World Made More Dangerous as Terrorism Spreads† The New York Times April 2004. Crusious and Channel 339-342. Yonah Alexender. â€Å"Terrorism in The Name of God† World and I October 20002. Crusious and Channel 360-365. Why Terrorism Should Be a Global Concern Essay -- essays research pape The war on terror is at the peak and there are vivid indications that every stone will be turned to halt it. A central assumption is that terrorism is a religious war, apparently between Christians and the Muslims. This is just a moral claim that terrorists are using to attract more people over to their side, as well as create solidarity among the Muslims. As a result, the imagery and the reality of terrorism differ overwhelmingly. There are various terror occurrences around the globe that are similar and can be classified as terrorism. Otherwise, terrorism has been a means to carry on a conflict without the antagonist realizing the nature of the threat, mistaking terrorism for criminal activity. Terrorism should be a global concern because it is fast spreading around the globe raising terror. It has been facilitated by the use of religion as a justification for terrorist activities, proliferation of local terrorist groups, and political instability among and within various world wid e nations. In spite of terrorism apparent proliferation around the globe, some people may maintain that it should not be a global concern. It is important to realize that terrorism has not affected all nations in the world. Therefore, some people might argue that it does not warranty global concern. Don Van Natta, Jr. A columnist for the New York Times and Name 2 writer of the article â€Å"A World Made More Dangerous as Terrorism Spreads† scrutinizes wrote in his article activity in the world and identifies the countries that are involved. Natta Jr finds out that there is terrorist activity in every continent but only a few and specific countries are involved (Natta Jr 340). Hence, terrorist involvement accounts for only a small percentage of the c... ...understanding these root causes of the problem as the first step towards ending the war. Then, uniting the whole world under one course for peace love and unity will be the greatest war against terrorism. Works cited Crusious, Timothy W. and Carolyn E. Channel. Aims of Argument. 5th ed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2006. Philip Jenkins. â€Å"Why Terrorism?† Images of Terror: What we can and can’t know about Terrorism 2003. Crusious and Channel 320-325. Rohan Gunaratna. â€Å"The Al Qaeda Threat and the International Response† Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror 2002. Crusious and Channel 326-339. Don Van Natta Jr. â€Å"A World Made More Dangerous as Terrorism Spreads† The New York Times April 2004. Crusious and Channel 339-342. Yonah Alexender. â€Å"Terrorism in The Name of God† World and I October 20002. Crusious and Channel 360-365.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The True Beast in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

The True Beast in Othello      Ã‚  Ã‚   "What is left when honor is lost?" This maxim from first century BC plays a pivotal role in Shakespeare’s play Othello. The question serves as a basis for the struggle between Othello and Iago. Both men are engaged in a battle over Othello’s honor. Iago is intent on destroying Othello’s sense of honor and reducing him to a bestial state. Iago views Othello as a beast masquerading in warrior’s dress. He wants to return Othello to what he believes to be his natural bestial state, and he realizes that to achieve this goal he must dupe Othello into violating his code of honor. Ironically, as Iago tries to unmask Othello’s bestiality, it is the beast within Iago that is exposed. From the beginning of the play, Iago’s view of Othello as a beast is obvious. Iago repeatedly describes Othello in terms of animals. When Iago attempts to incite Brabantio’s anger, he does so by referring to Othello in vulgar, bestial terms. He says to Brabantio, "Even now, now, very now, an old black ram / Is tuping your white ewe" (1.1.89-90). He continues with, "you’ll have your daughter cover’d with a Barbary horse; / you’ll have your nephews neigh to you; / you’ll have coursers for cousins and gennets for germans" (1.1.110-114). He even exclaims to Brabantio that "your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs" (1.1.117-118). Each of these animalistic phrases could be viewed only as Iago’s attempt to anger Brabantio if it were not for the fact that Iago also refers to Othello as an animal when he is alone. In his soliloquy at the end of Act 1, Iago says that Othello "will as tenderly be led by th’nose / As asses are" (1.3.395-936). He again refers to Othello as an ass in Act 2: "Make the Mo... ...question, "What is left when honor is lost?" His answer comes from the mouth of Cassio: "Reputation, reputation, reputation! / O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial" (2.3.254-256).    Works Cited Bandello, Matteo. "Certaine Tragicall Discourses of Bandello." Trans. Geoffrey Fenton. Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. Ed. Geoffrey Bullough. Vol. 7. New York: Columbia UP, 1973. Cinthio, Giovanni. "Gli Hecatommithi." Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. Ed. Geoffrey Bullough. Vol. 7. New York: Columbia UP, 1973. Physiologus. The Book of Beasts: Being a Translation From a Latin Bestiary of the Twelfth Century. Ed. T. H. White. London: Jonathan Cape, 1954. Shakespeare, William. "Othello." The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. London: Collins, 1951.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Miss Essay

You will also evaluate who the target audience is, and analyse the effectiveness of the advertiser’s use of language, imagery and colours (advertising techniques) in achieving their intentions. Students must also discuss and evidence their understanding of the social, historical and cultural features which they feel are explicit and implicit within the poster. For this task, all students must demonstrate that they are taking an active and contributory role within the discussion and annotation process and that you have met the assessment criteria for this element of the task. Photographs of each group’s annotated ‘War Child’ poster will be taken. (1. 1 – 4. 2) ii. Compare and contrast the two advertisements by holiday companies to inform and persuade their target audience For this part of Task 3, you must compare and contrast the two holiday advertisements for Ibiza and Blackpool. Use the writing frame and assessment task criteria to help you structure your writing. Paragraph 1 – Introduction (1. 2) Introduce the two adverts, what they are for? Are they predominantly trying to persuade or inform? Mention the fact that you are going to compare and contrast them, and will be evaluating who the target audience is, evaluating what style and form the advertiser’s use, analysing the language used in the advertisements, and evaluating the imagery and colours that the advertisers have used. You will also mention that you will be analysing the social, historical and cultural features in the advertisements which are explicit and implicit. You must also comment on how you will be evaluating what all of the above (advertising techniques) has with regard to the overall effectiveness of the advertisements in targeting the audience. |In this media essay, I’m going to compare two adverts – which are adverting on holidays. The first advert is for the ‘IBIZA’ (I will call this advert A) The | |second is for ‘BLACKPOOL’ (I will call this advert B) Although they are both adverting on holiday, the advert holiday is totally on a different ways. This is| |because they are aimed at different group of people. | | | | Paragraph 2 – Target Audience (3. 1) Compare and contrast the two advertisements with regard to the target audience. Here you must evaluate who you think the advertisements are aimed at. You need to give at least two main points of evidence here. You also need to summarise how effective you think the advertisements are with regard to the targeting of the audience. The adver t A is persuading the young people and also giving information to what they are presenting for them during the time spent on their holiday. The | |advert B is also persuading people by giving them a free ticket to come to the Blackpool tower a place for holiday also informing them for is best to receive| |like the Tower complex houses have many attractions in all kind of entertainments that you can think of. | |In this two Adverts A and B I am going to have a closer look on both of them by comparing and contrasting them and evaluates who the target audience is. Both| |adverts are aimed at adults. However, advert A is aiming to the young people whereas advert B is aimed to mature adult’s men and women. The denotation of | |advert A IBIZA the style of the advert is girly colours like bright pink, blue and yellow and the written words are of red, white, yellow and violet colours. | | | | | |Poster A is aiming to the young people whereas poster B is aiming to adult’s men and women. In the advert A IBIZA the uses is girly colours like bright pink,| |blue and yellow and the written words are of red, white, yellow and violet colours. The imagery is about grouping pictures of young boys and girls at the | |beaches, cinema, airport, and car park; and some are travelling on large vehicle and they are of different code of dressing which is mainly for the young | |people and the language uses on it, it is an attraction to draw the attention of the young once that’s planning for their holiday. The both adverts are very | |effective because of different colours uses to design the posters they are of different effects, the form of the languages uses is to call an attraction of | |people and persuade them to come spent the holiday and the words uses are of upper and lower case which explain the thing to expect like going around visit | |the city, to the beaches, clubbing, dancing in the hall while spending their holiday. | | |These adverts are aiming at two different groups of people for the young boys and girls the styles uses and the languages uses know exactly the mind of young| |people of kind of thing they want like the social life style a young person would like to receive to be a history something they should look back on. | Paragraph 3 – Style and Form (3. 2) Here you need to compare and contrast the style and form of the two advertisements. Evaluate the overall style and form of the advertisements (the layout). Things to consider might be the position of the writing and the pictures. Which dominate and why? How does that link to the target audience? What font styles are used? What words are made to stand out? Again, summarise how does this link to how the advertisers are trying to inform or persuade the target audience? You must provide evidence. | | |The advert A which is the IBIZA has more effect on the poster and more colours also more photos of groups of people. The poster is displaying different | |people on different types of dressing. On the poster the written languages were uses upper and lower case some are bold and italics. The word used to stand | |out the advert is IBIZA written in a capital form with a large form of Alphabets. | |The position of the advert characters was at the right which displayed things to do at the beach, nights on the town, what’s are the costs prices, also the | |photos of groups of people was at the right side, they advertise the club beats with upper and lower case. |The advert B BLACK POOL the denotation of advert uses are less in colours and one photo of people dancing in the tower hall, photo of two people sited at the| |beach, the front photo of the tower hall and map show the travel direction which displayed the address and the direction to Blackpool town hall. The | |languages uses were upper and lower case some of the written words are highlighted bold and the position were at the left and the word Blackpool was written | |bold with a red colour and a written note from Deca Maggie to Jacquie were at the middle of the poster. The word used to stand the adverts is Blackpool | |written with a red colour and with large Alphabets. The two adverts A and B are trying to persuade the target audience to come and experience a good holiday. | | | Paragraph 4 – Language and slogans (4. 2) Here you must compare and contrast the language and slogans used in the two advertisements. What do you notice about the language choices? Is it formal or informal? Does it contain any dialect? Are there any slogans? Can you analyse how the language in the advertisements is used in different social contexts? Again, summarise how effective you think the language used in the advertisements is, in targeting the audience. You must provide evidence. |The language uses is to draw the attention of people who’s want or planning for holiday uses persuading word , writing on different form of colours, make | |use of italic, bold, upper case and case to call attraction. The imagery showing the adult’s men and women dancing at the tower all these are form of drawing| |an attention of the people to come and spent their holiday at the Blackpool tower. | |The language used was a clear and understand English languages there were nothing contain dialect and is wasn’t formal or informal. The language was use | |effectively because on the poster you can see that the written word was design attractively on lower and upper case has different attracting colour and the | |languages was targeting the people planning on holiday. Paragraph 5 – Imagery and colours (3. 2) Compare and contrast the imagery and colours used in the advertisements. Here you must evaluate the imagery (pictures and graphics) contained in the two advertisements. Compare the imagery of the two advertisements and comment on the differences. You could discuss how you think the use of imagery and colours is perhaps more effective than the other in targeting the audience. Wh at does the imagery and colours suggest about the two holiday destinations? Evaluate how the colours in the advertisements create a mood? Are they vibrant and exciting, or plain and reassuring? As before, summarise how effective you think the imagery and colours used in the advertisements is in targeting the audience. Give evidence. |The imagery is displaying group pictures of young boys and girls at the beaches, cinema, airport, and car park; travelling on large vehicle also the code of | |dressing which is mostly for the young people and the language uses on it. This advert is to call attraction to draw the attention of the young once that’s | |planning for holiday by persuading them to come and spent holiday. On the other hand, the denotation of advert B is a Tower hall Blackpool the style of the | |adverts uses in the background is blue with yellow and red and dim warm colour and the written words are of red, blue, yellow and black. | |The image and the pictures contained in the two adverts are very different; the IBIZA has more features images of young people than the Blackpool. The colour| |used for both image is more effective because it is attractive poster whose ever see is would like to have a closer look what the advertisement for and these| |adverts is targeting many adults willing to go on holiday. The evidence used to compare to be a poster magazine contrast. | Paragraph 6 – Social, historical and cultural features – explicit and implicit (4. 1) Compare and contrast the social, historical and cultural features which are explicit and implicit in the two advertisements. For instance, in the Blackpool advertisement why do you think the advertisers show a prominent image of a postcard? Is this a social, historical or social feature? You must provide evidence. |The imagery of the social life styles these days are totally different from the time of 1990. This present time we are now has different kind of dressing | |compare to the time of 1990, like the young boys and girls at this present time we are now put on tight clothes like jeans, short sleeve wearing of boots, | |different kind of hair styles but some people still like the old hair style of 1960, but the hair styles this time is different compare to the time of 1990 | |when people use to have afro hair styles and the code of dressing now also different. The code has built in rules or signals indicating the message being | |given by a person’s clothing and how it is worn. This message may include indications of the person’s gender,  income, occupation and  social class, political,| |ethnic and religious affiliation,  attitude  and attitude towards comfort, fashion, traditions, gender expression, marital status, sexual availability and | |sexual orientation, etc. Clothes convey other social messages including the stating or claiming  personal  or  cultural identity, the establishing, maintaining,| |or defying social group  norms, and appreciating comfort and functionality and the technology this time has developed more and experience han the time of | |1990 the both young’s and adults people are now civilise, mature in every areas of their social life styles with now bring effect on cultures and tradition. | Paragraph 7 – Conclusion (1. 1, 1. 2, 2. 1, 2. 2, 3. 1) For your conclusion, you must compare and contrast the two advertisements, evaluating how effective you think the advertising techniques used are with rega rd to the audience the advertisers are targeting. I am going to compare adverts of IBIZA and Blackpool for the conclusion of the advertisement. The IBIZA was very effective because it draw the attention of | |young people to take part of the holiday programme it to make the young people to have interest on what they were adverting that why it was design with so | |many effective colour that can create an attraction. The techniques used to advertise the poster was aiming to the young’s people who are planning for a | |holiday. The Blackpool is aiming to the adults men and women and the techniques used for the advert was targeting the adults people planning on holiday. The | |effect of the advert written was clear and clean easy to read and understand the colour use are so bright and the photograph show on the advert is a sign to | |encourage people whose has not have the chance to dance for a period of time, if you love dancing and meeting new people this is your chance to dance. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Liturgical Year and the Life and Death of Jesus Essay Example

A Liturgical Year and the Life and Death of Jesus Essay Example A Liturgical Year and the Life and Death of Jesus Essay A Liturgical Year and the Life and Death of Jesus Essay Christmas Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the son of God. Jesus was born on the 25th of December which is Christmas Day. He may have been born in a cave but this fact is unknown. Jesus was born in a manger because the upper room was full. On Christmas Day most Christians go to church. Before Jesus was born a Angel Gabriel came to Mary to let her know that she was going to have a son, and she was going to call him Jesus. At Jesuss time pregnant women had to be married or there were stoned to death because they brought shame and dishonour to their familys and Mary wasnt married. So Joseph kept Marys pregnancy a secret to protect her and, and he married her before she got pregnant. Luke 1:30-35. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the highest. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.† 34 â€Å"How will this be,† Mary asked the angel, â€Å"since I am a virgin?† 35 The angel answered, â€Å"The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the highest will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. When Jesus was born, the three wise King came to visit and worship him. They found where Jess was by following the star that could have been Jupiter. At Jesuss time stars were a symbol that a King was going to be born or was going to die. People may have thought that a Super King was about to be born because of the size of the star. They gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Christmas is celebrated in the Christian church because its a very important day for Christians as it symbolizes the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a very special day in the Christian world; it is celebrated by Christians with great enthusiasm. It is a day of merrymaking and joy; people decorate thei

Monday, October 21, 2019

Research Paper on Advertising

Research Paper on Advertising After a long day’s work or a hard day at the office, people come home, sit in the Laz-e-Boy recliner, and flip on the television. Watching a favorite TV show has become many people’s favorite way to relax or past the time. A wide variety of programming exists and most anyone will be able to watch something they can enjoy. The television industry is part of the entertainment business and has high entertainment value for viewers. In that respect, it is an important industry, for example in terms of the time people spend watching TV. At the same time, it is important as a means of transmitting advertising. Television therefore has a two-fold role, both as a provider of entertainment and a transmitter of advertising. This research paper will discuss the relationship between the TV market and the product markets through the market for advertising. It will also examine the different types of advertising, advantages and disadvantages of TV advertising, and how the rivalry between TV channels and the profit potential in product markets affect TV channels’ prices on advertising slots, programming decisions, and the producers’ purchase of advertising on TV. From the beginning of television, advertising and programming were connected through network personnel and sponsorship. At first, television programs were owned by advertisers, which based the content of the shows on the interests of the audiences they wished to reach (Folkerts 241). Today it is rare for an entire program to be sponsored by one advertiser. Rather, networks or stations sell time for ads during a show. A basic feature of the television industry is that viewers dislike commercials and are attracted to a channel that invests in its programming. However, a TV channel earns its revenues by selling advertising slots to producers in the product market and attracts viewers for this advertising by investing in programming. Producers in product markets increase sales by advertising. Since an increase in advertising tends to reduce the number of viewers, there are diminishing returns to television advertising. The law of diminishing returns states, â€Å"as successive units of a variable resource are added to a fixed resource, beyond some point the extra, or marginal, product that can be attributed to each additional unit of the variable resource will decline† (McConnell Brue 160). Thus, the more a producer advertises its products on a TV channel, fewer viewers are available there for other producers to advertise to. There are several common types of television techniques and advertisements used by producers. The first is the straight announcement, which consists primarily of someone looking at the camera and delivering a sales talk. Demonstration is important in TV because viewers are interested in what the product will do for them. A testimonial by a famous person can draw attention to a product or idea. Testimonial commercials work best when the celebrity has credibility as a source (Dunn 324). In a dramatized commercial, the point is presented through a story that can be told very briefly. Dialogue is a commercial in which two or more people are talking. The basic advantage of the dialogue is its ability to involve the viewer and encourage them to participate in the dialogue. The biggest advantage of television advertising, if used wisely, is the unbelievable impact on viewers. It is basically almost the same as a door-to-door sales staff that can make visits at a very inexpensive rate. And when the person presenting the sales pitch is a popular personality, the advertising can be extremely effective. Another benefit of TV advertising is that it impacts a large number of persons not reach by print media. If a person doesn’t want to read a newspaper or magazine to find out what’s going on, they will more than likely turn on the evening news. Constant repetition of a sales message helps make people feel that they know the product, whether or not they like it. Television makes it possible to repeat a message as often as an advertiser can afford. Commercials are extremely flexible and allow advertisers to demonstrate their product, create a mood, make a blockbusting announcement about the product, or try it out in certain areas. Advertisers can usually find some combination of TV presentations that will communicate the desired impression. Television advertising also involves several unique problems. Advertising messages on TV come and go quickly. If people have their sets on, but are not watching or listening, they cannot return later. And when commercials are bunched together, a viewer might use the time to get a snack or see what else is on. Although some network shows reach viewers for a surprisingly low cost, certain minimum cost considerations can price the medium-sized advertiser out of the television field. Newspapers and other printed information carry a stamp of authenticity that television broadcasts don’t have. People tend to believe something more if they actually see it in print. Another disadvantage is that mass coverage creates the lack of selectivity for the audience. It is difficult to determine exactly the viewing audience and there by choosing which commercials to air at certain times. Television is used to build and reinforce brand image and awareness. TV gets more than half of all national consumer-advertising dollars. Using the networks as a marketing strategy has become very popular. In the short run, television advertising can dramatically increase a producer’s share in a specific market. In a study done on dry cereal advertising, all brands except Ralston’s made heavy use of network television. The goal was to observe the effects mass-market advertising would have on Ralston’s market share. Ralston began using some network television advertising halfway through the 12-week study period. Ralston saw its market share go up from 4.8 in the pre-TV period to 5.9% after utilizing the networks (Jones 37). Company sponsorship of individual TV programs saw decline after the quiz show scandals of the 1960s. Although one advertiser doesn’t sponsor an entire show today, the influence it has on programming still exists. Individual advertisers occasionally affect content, but advertising as a form of financing has a more pervasive impact. A decision a TV channel must make within its schedule is the amount of advertising to allow. Some programs that are very flexible, such as newscasts and sports events, permit channels to air large quantities of advertising time. When a channel only sells a small amount of advertising, it can fill in with advertising for its own programs. A TV station’s time scheduling will in many cases put restrictions on the quantity of advertising to allow. If, for example, a TV channel broadcasts a series of 25-minute sit-coms during an evening, there will only be time for 5 minutes of advertising per half hour. By considering the amount of advertising a c hannel allocates, a producer can speculate the audience size their commercials receive. TV channels programming decisions, as well as advertising firms advertising decisions, are always made before TV viewers make their choices. At the same time, the effect of advertising on the product markets is only felt after the advertising has been actually aired and watched by the viewers. Thus, product-market competition takes place after the TV viewers decisions are made. Advertising firms make their decisions about how much to advertise on each channel only after the TV channels have committed, not only to their programming, but also to their quantities of advertising. For discussion purposes, television advertising can be broken up into four stages. The first stage involves each TV channel choosing its quantity of advertising and a programming schedule. A TV channel’s profit is the difference between its revenue from advertising and costs of investments in programming. The goal is to maximize profits by determining how much advertising to allocate and which programs to broadcast. In the next stage, each producer determines how much to advertise on a specific TV channel. An advertising firm looks at viewer demographics and audience size when deciding which channel and commercial to use to realize the most benefits. The viewer then decides whether or not to watch TV and, if so, which TV channel to watch. They make their decision after the TV channel and producer have already completed their advertising decisions. Finally, the producers compete in the product market by advertising and differentiating their products. The goal is to distinguish their product from others. By making price less of a factor than product differences, producers participate in non-price competition (McConnell Brue 230). We are now in a position to investigate how the equilibrium outcome detailed in Section 2 is affected by a change in the number of advertisers, n. This number may increase, either through an increase in the number of firms in each market, i.e., a decrease in market concentration throughout the economy, or through an increase in the number of product markets. Total spending on advertising increases as a result of a reduction in the number of firms, keeping constant the number of product markets. A reduction in the number of firms makes each remaining firm more concerned about the fact that own advertising tends to reduce the number of viewers. This dampens the incentive for each firm to increase advertising and would, all else equal, result in a reduction in total advertising. On the other hand, fewer firms result in a higher price-cost margin. This encourages firms to advertise more. The latter effect turns out to dominate, and it is reinforced by the TV stations’ responses. T hey invest more in programming, thereby attracting more viewers and even more advertising. The result is that both total advertising and total investment in programming increase following a reduction in the number of firms. Note also that the total number of viewers increases following a reduction in the number of firms. Since advertising increases as well, which tends to reduce the number of viewers, the driving force behind this result is the TV channel’s increased investment in programming. Finally, note that the price per advertising slot also increases. This follows directly from the fact each TV channel’s two choice variables mutually reinforce each other [see Nilssen and SÃ'ˆrgard (2001) on this reinforcement property]. However, total spending on advertising can also increase as a result of an increase in the number of advertising firms, if this latter increase is solely due to an increase in the number of product markets. In such a case, price-cost margins are unaffected by a change in the number of firms. Now, an increase in the number of firms makes each firm less concerned about own advertising’s effect on the number of viewers. This spurs an increase in total advertising. Again, the TV channels’ response reinforces the initial effect. They invest more in programming, thereby increasing the total advertising even more. The economic literature on advertising has been slow on modeling the market for advertising. The present contribution aims at filling this gap, by presenting a model of the market for advertising that incorporates some crucial features of the TV industry, the main provider of advertising space. Most importantly, we assume that viewers are attracted by TV channels’ investments in programming but dislike their advertising. Combining this model of the TV industry with a model of product-market competition with advertising, we are able to discuss how asymmetries between various product markets affect the equilibrium outcome. We find that even small asymmetries have dramatic effects. In the case of two product markets where one product market has more firms than the other, but where the markets otherwise are identical, the firms in the product market with many firms choose not to advertise. The crucial feature of our model producing this result is TV viewers’ dislike for advertising, entailing congestion among advertisers. At an increase in the price of advertising, the firms in the market with many firms would, as expected, reduce their demand for advertising. This would, in turn, reduce the congestion of advertising on TV and thereby attract more viewers. The fir ms in the market with few firms would respond to an increase in the number of viewers by increasing their demand for advertising, despite the price of advertising having increased. The TV stations exploit those firms’ ‘perverse’ demand by increasing their price so that, in equilibrium, the firms in the market with many firms decide not to advertise at all on TV. The second issue is how product-market competition affects the equilibrium outcome. We found that the profit potential in the product market is of importance for the amount of programming investments as well as for the amount and price of advertising. The less intense product-market rivalry is, the larger is the potential revenue generated by advertising. A TV channel exploits this in two ways. First, it reduces its supply of advertising slots. Second, it invests more in programming to attract more viewers and thereby to encourage the producers to advertise more. As a result, a relaxation of price competition in the product markets results in higher prices of advertising, more advertising, and more investment in programming. This suggests that there are two successive battles over the profit potential in the product markets: one among the producers and one among the TV channels. An escalation of advertising by the producers spurs more investment in programming, and vice versa. Produc t market competition may also be affected by a change in the number of firms. We found that the effect of increasing the number of advertising firms depends on whether the increase is by increasing the number of firms in each market, making the markets less concentrated, or by increasing the number of markets. The former way of increasing the number of advertising firms reduces the price-cost margin and thereby the profit potential in the product markets. Thus, while there now are more firms demanding advertising, they also earn less from advertising.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Dell case Essays

Dell case Essays Dell case Essay Dell case Essay down the time it takes from ordering that the customer gets the computer to themselves , they have revolutionized the way how the PC market sales are made . The major competitors such as HP and 18M, are trying to predetermine based on market studies what customers want , and then produces computers for stock, while Dell lets customers decide what components they want in their computer. Customers ordering via the telephone or , increasingly , via the Internet. In doing so, avoid Dell intermediaries becomes more cost carriers. Where competitors more trying to focus n creating services around the product , thereby creating value for the customer , trust Dell more on the customer already has the implementation knowledge required to do a proper , active purchasing choice . In order to have a control system that meets the requirements for speed and flexibility , Dell has focused on reducing the number of intermediaries ( touches ) in the production of computers. The main way to do this is by outsourcing all production of components , and instead the focus solely on the reassembly of the roduct . This meant that Dell went more toward being a service company than a generation . To decisions taken in the control system will also maintain the requirements of speed is possible for managers far down the systems to make decisions without involving managers from the top ( depending on how important the decision is ) . This allows the organization becomes very flexible to change, and that Dell avoids slow bureaucracy. By making use of most of the economic data that is continuously easured , and are always available for sales representatives and managers , the organization can measure its effectiveness in real time. This is Dell s so-called scorecard , which includes for example Return On Invested Capital , average selling price , etc. The fact that you use the same type of control data throughout the organization makes the entire organization can implement strategies that proved to be positive in some small part . That decision-making is decentralized , and that economic control data is always vailable , allows a Dell different parts of the organization becomes investment centers. Both of the goals is the goal you are trying to reach by creating investment centers , namely that the information required to make the right decisions is available and that each business units performance is measured. Key data is visible especially the difference between Dell and its competitors in return on equity , cost of goods sold and inventory turnover . All these differences are based on Dell management of production and storage, or rather the lack of storage, omputers. Dells input based on direct demand when the customer places his order , wnlle competltors are trying to estimate tne customers needs . Inls means that Dell basically has no storage of the products , allowing the stock turnover is much higher than the competition. Dell does not tie up capital in inventory management also makes it get a higher return on capital employed. However , Dell has higher production costs than competitors , then they choose to outsource it and thus get an additional cost .

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week 4 Discussion-Epi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 4 Discussion-Epi - Essay Example 006) Joseph Imoka, the World Health Organization’s tuberculosis coordinator in the country’s health ministry, said, â€Å"TB will attack HIV/AIDS patients who already have low resistance.† Kampala Henry Wasswa, (2006) About 12 cases of tuberculosis was reported in October 2007 in a place called Yellowknife and the TB team in Yellowknife are treating them carefully in addition to spreading awareness among the people who are potentially exposed to it. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis attack not only the lungs, but also other parts of the body. The primary causes of contacting this disease is poor nutrition and over- exposure to smoke and over-crowding. The at- risk group involves the Aboriginal population (Alix McNaught, 2008) and people who live in crowded slums and other places. The conventional methods of detecting outbreaks of diseases such as surveillance of any notifiable disease that is clinician based or laboratory based are less sensitive and timely, leading to poor outcomes and delayed treatment of diseases and therefore a system has been put in place for early detection of outbreaks. In the case of the West Nile Virus, (WNV) cases have been reported to have been imported from countries like Nicaragua etc. The WNV is an arbovirus that belonged to the family of Flaviviridae and generally transmitted among avian hosts and mosquito vectors especially the Culex. Humans and horses are accidental secondary hosts. (Kramer LD, Li J, Shi PY., 2007) Migrating birds are considered responsible for the outbreaks of WNV to places such as Asia, middle East, Americas, Africa, Europe, France, Israel and Egypt. Considering the above two cases, the tuberculosis disease could only be an outbreak because of the occurrence of stray cases in certain areas. To be called a cluster, a larger number of cases are needed to have been reported. Whereas, in the case of the WNV virus, the virus is easily spread through migratory birds and mosquitoes to high risk areas and is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Diversity Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Diversity Identity - Essay Example They are very friendly, helpful. They do not bother about religion and are highly cultured persons. I remember my first contact with different religion person when I lived in turkey and joined a French school. We soon became friends; the encounter was very pleasant as we shared our thoughts on our cultures. I was brought up in a very diverse culture, religion. So when I grew up, I learnt that there is no religion created by god, only man started religions and god is one. It is really foolish to distinguish ourselves by our religions. Religions should be teaching unity, but that is not what happening. However, there are situations in my life that make me conscious of my religion even today. The terrorist attack on America on September 11 2001 is one of the worst nightmares in my life. I can still remember my neighbors were afraid to speak to us. It was a week before when I and my friends were talking about different religions; there were two Hindu friends of mine and a Christian one. The discussion just aroused out of curiosity in knowing other religions by my friend. We talked about Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism. These talks were very interesting as we could know the practices of different religions. As a part of our friendship, we all go to church and temple. Religion has never been a barrier for me to make friendship; I won't consider religion while making friends. So I love to make friends of any religion. I never felt like I was an outsider, as I was brought up in diverse culture, I never this sense of insecurity. Religion may affect me at my workplace, however, as I am experienced in such kind of culture, I am confident that I can tackle the situation and move forward. Interview 1: I was born in a Muslim family, my neighbors were Muslims. My family and friends all belong to the same religion. When I joined elementary school, I encountered a completely diverse group of children. However I didn't care about it at that tender age. This is a nice teaching for me as I still feel that this diverse culture had made me adaptable to any culture. My schooling was also of the same scenario. My co-workers were of different backgrounds as I work for a multinational company. It is my way of life to work with people of other religion as almost everyday I work with persons of different religions. I feel excited to work with them as they are from different cultures and there is a sort of cultural exchange among us. I don't really remember my first contact with a person of other religion. That person could be my elementary school mate. The contact should definitely be pleasant. I learned many things from people of different culture. The main thing I learned from Hindus is their readiness to accept any religion. The Christians have keen interest in studying other religions. Situations or topics like marriage make me conscious about my religion. My family wants me to marry only a Muslim boy. This makes me feel insecure and obviously is a negative experience for me. The topic of religion aroused when I and my friends were discussing on different cultures of the world. The talk was all about Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam. I was shocked when my Sikh friend said "it is ultimately your religious friend who will rescue you when the time arrives". There is no regular talk about it; it may arise once in a while. My friend group consists of 3 Muslims, 2 Hindus, 1 Sikh. I would love to add my friends list with different

The Development of the Scientific Management Theory Research Paper - 1

The Development of the Scientific Management Theory - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the most of individuals think that the basic motives of employers and employees are essentially opposed. In contrast, scientific management has for its core groundwork the strong belief that the genuine objects of the two are inseparable - that wealth for the employer cannot be sustained in the long run unless it is attended with the wealth for the employee and that it is doable to grant the employee what s/he most desires and the employer what s/he desires for his/her production. Thus, it is unquestionable that the influential and most contentious contribution to the development of management theory was the theory and practice of scientific management by Frederick Winslow Taylor, that was a main focus of the analysis and was presented in the essay. The principles of scientific management remain in vogue in large numbers of companies in the US. However, this is not similar to the scientific management pioneered by Frederick Taylor. Over the years, these man agement principles have been modified and the outdated components have been eliminated. This capacity to adjust has been helpful in the continued existence of the fundamental premises of scientific management, where remain numerous deliberations about its fundamental rules in contemporary management theory. This is due to the fact that these fundamental principles remain vital, present-day managers still applying them. Hence, the issues have numerous spectators. Scientific management survives and will stay alive for a hundred years or so.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organizational Impact Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Impact Paper - Assignment Example These techniques are necessary for the transition and modifications to the firm’s strategy meant to give competitive advantage, meeting and surpassing the expectation of the customers and ultimately existence. Ordinarily, organization normally belongs to one sector that comprises a given industry whereby it is either manufacturer or service. This study seed to examine innovation, design and creativity impacts as well as describes how each firm’s strategy, processes, products and services have been affected by these techniques. Apple for manufacturing and Verizon wireless for service is the organizations chosen for evaluation. Innovation merely encompasses coming up with merchandise meant to ensure complete of clientele’s desires or wants whereby they may be either new or just slight modification (Harvard Business Review 2009). Mostly, it is also encompasses creating new method, process or idea meant to alter the making process of a certain product already in existence and has been transformed or reinvented with intention of augmenting demand through better service. Strategy refers to how a given firm obtain the end it seeks to achieve. Process is learning and planning strategy for developing new ideas. Product is the results of goods through manufacturing or a service (Stamm, 2003). There are two categories of innovation including product and process innovation, Examples are Apple’s development of iPod, iphone, and ipad during 2000s, Verizon’s innovation of 2G, 3G, and 4G. Process innovation encompasses enhancement of new process meant for making products and delivering them to respe ctive clients. Examples include Verizon that altered know-how for live TV broadcast to some cell phone; Apple developed its own independent surveys in order to track its major market divisions around the world. As defined in (Jones & Hill, 2012) product innovation create value by creating new

English Academic Purpose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English Academic Purpose - Essay Example The following is a research study that focuses to establish of the various practices adopted by the English community in communicating amongst themselves and the extent upon which some of the media links are mostly favored against others. Further, the research study seeks to denote on the prevailing differences amongst the media links and the prevailing differences that favor or harbor involvement into communicating via a range of the available social platforms. The subject of social media importance in human lives is critical and the British population has consequently reflected positive involvement in the digital world of communication (White, King, and Tsang, 2011:56). Therefore, the following research study establishes on the implemented approaches to ascertain and resolve the controversies on whether the social media is beneficial or harmful to the human society, and precisely, the British society. Literature review The research study on social media shall maintain precise focus on the influence of social media. The researchers shall focus on implementing the various findings that different study samples of the research expedition denote as feedbacks to the various questions asked in the questionnaire. During the research expedition, the researchers shall focus on establishing the various social networks used, the number people using these networks and the networks that seem to be more significant to others (Richardson, Gosnay, and Carroll, 2010:34). The study shall focus on the frequency of access to the social networks, and probably the reasons for using certain media through questionnaire interviews. The figure below establishes of the prospective extend of involvement by online users upon various social sites. Fig.1 showing the marginal share difference on involvement Eventually, the study shall establish of the successes of the research expedition and depict the findings of the study process reflecting from an analysis to the questionnaire findings. F urther, the study establish an analytical approach on the study findings, employ on the methodological and recommendation approaches of social practices and the extent at which the findings suit the desired findings of the study. Finally, the research shall evaluate on the entire process of establishing whether the social media is beneficial or harmful, and the corrective measures of whose use shall lead to the establishment of appropriate resolutions. Methodology to the social media research With the prevalence and availability of the social media communication devices, the research process seemed to be applicable as the population exercising the use of social media as a mode of communication was relatively high (Poore, 2012:53). The use of questionnaires to interview the prospective sample population of study remained the most accurate tool to conducting the research as the questions did not focus on personal issues, but rather focused on general issues as to whether the social me dia was beneficial or harmful to the society (Qualman, 2011:46). Therefore, the data collection method laws primarily the questionnaire as it established precise information instead of focusing on other researchers’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organizational Impact Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Impact Paper - Assignment Example These techniques are necessary for the transition and modifications to the firm’s strategy meant to give competitive advantage, meeting and surpassing the expectation of the customers and ultimately existence. Ordinarily, organization normally belongs to one sector that comprises a given industry whereby it is either manufacturer or service. This study seed to examine innovation, design and creativity impacts as well as describes how each firm’s strategy, processes, products and services have been affected by these techniques. Apple for manufacturing and Verizon wireless for service is the organizations chosen for evaluation. Innovation merely encompasses coming up with merchandise meant to ensure complete of clientele’s desires or wants whereby they may be either new or just slight modification (Harvard Business Review 2009). Mostly, it is also encompasses creating new method, process or idea meant to alter the making process of a certain product already in existence and has been transformed or reinvented with intention of augmenting demand through better service. Strategy refers to how a given firm obtain the end it seeks to achieve. Process is learning and planning strategy for developing new ideas. Product is the results of goods through manufacturing or a service (Stamm, 2003). There are two categories of innovation including product and process innovation, Examples are Apple’s development of iPod, iphone, and ipad during 2000s, Verizon’s innovation of 2G, 3G, and 4G. Process innovation encompasses enhancement of new process meant for making products and delivering them to respe ctive clients. Examples include Verizon that altered know-how for live TV broadcast to some cell phone; Apple developed its own independent surveys in order to track its major market divisions around the world. As defined in (Jones & Hill, 2012) product innovation create value by creating new

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What is the effect of the global economic crisis on hotel businesses Essay

What is the effect of the global economic crisis on hotel businesses throughout Switzerland - Essay Example It is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the international trends regarding the impact of global financial crisis on the performance of luxurious hotels. Section 3 discusses the impact of global financial crisis on the luxurious hotels in Switzerland. Section 4 discusses the impact of global financial crisis on the visits of guests particularly foreign guests in the hotels. Section 5 discusses the impact of global financial crisis on the unemployment trends in the Switzerland hotel market. Section 6 concludes the report. Since the tourism market, particularly the hotel business is the part of a country’s overall economy, all the major conditions in the overall economy are likely to have an impact on this market also. The trends in the European market show that there has been heavy decline in the investment in the hotel investment market all over Europe .It was the highest in the UK market followed by France and Germany. There has been heavy decline in the hotel occupancies and the unemployment rates all over the European market ((BNP Paribas real estate, 2009). In Switzerland, tourism is considered as one of the main contributor’s to the country’s wealth and hotel businesses are important components of the tourism industry(OECD,2000). The luxurious hotels in Switzerland have been attracting tourists from all over the world historically. However, in the aftermath of the global financial crisis in 2008, there has been a significant fall in the demand for luxury goods since people had to save money for essential goods like food, housing etc. This has led to a drop down in the luxurious hotel businesses in Switzerland. Hence, though it is reported that the hotel industry in Switzerland has recorded 37 million overnight stays in 12 months at October end greater than the 12 months period in the last year, according to reports ,a 3 percent fall in the overnight stay

Disaster in Franklin County Essay Example for Free

Disaster in Franklin County Essay The role of the major public health personnel, including the public health nurse, is to provide the public with accurate information, and to assure the community, as well as ensure the immediate safety and well-being of the members of the community, while being competent compassionate and accessible. The public health director was contacted by the incident commander to attend the incident briefing due to immediate and long term public health impacts. The fire chief gave report concerning how many people were confirmed dead, what time it occurred and what county(s) were affected. He made the public aware if any hazardous materials had been released and where and whether the hazardous materials team had been dispatched. He also notifies the community of areas of flooding, and any impassable roads and the roads that are closed, as well as any power outages, and possible long term problems that may occur from power loss such as water contamination, and food loss due to spoilage. The fire chief also informs the public that the plan for search and rescue has been initiated. The public health staff had previously had National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. The deputy director sets up the incident command center and does the head count of available responders. The most ideal personnel were not totally available; there were an appropriate number to set up section chiefs and command staff. The chain of command that was used in the simulation consisted of the Public Health Team which included the County Public Health Director, Environmental Health Specialists, and Community Health Nurses, as well as Franklin county staff members, mental health, and social workers, which allowed the community health nurse to have resources available that were used to deal with situations that were outside the nurse’s scope of practice included reporting to EOC well treatment hazardous waste removal. Actions taken by the community health nurse when she encountered possible emergency situations during the door-to-door interviews was to Calm and triage families and offer reassurance and instruction on safety. The public health personnel had to deal with multiple problems both during the initial period and after the immediate danger had past. Actions taken by the community health nurse to help the people who were interviewed cope with the situations after the flooding were: to advise them to stay at shelter where there is electricity and food to contact Environmental health specialists for toxic waste To contact Social services to address immediate needs and resources. To arrange for instruction on safe use of generators in English and Spanish. To make arrangement for medications to be delivered the next day. Techniques that were used or could have been used to calm the fears of the people interviewed are to use short and concise statements. Perform active listening and confirm statements by repeating it back to the person being spoken with, use confrontation avoidance, and De-escalation. The other nursing personnel could be prepared to help in responding to a similar emergency with a much larger affected area (e.g., the effect of Hurricane Katrina). Through the development of a well-organized disaster response plan. Public health staff requires National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. Emergency preparedness training should be performed at least every six months. There needs to be a method of communication in case power lines, towers and electricity are not available; have a backup system in place and know where they are located (e.g. include, walkie talkies, Morse code and emailing). Community nurses should have car stock that includes protective gear (PPE) such as N-95 mask, barriers for CPR, gloves, biohazard containers and isolation gowns. Knowledge of the basic steps that are needed to take to ensure patient safety, such as safe evacuation, and early notification will help prevent unnecessary casualties during emergencies (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Accessed July 21, 2006. References Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach. (n.d.). Retrieved from Health Care: Public Health Emergency Preparedness. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Sichuan Earthquake In 2008 Environmental Sciences Essay

The Sichuan Earthquake In 2008 Environmental Sciences Essay On the afternoon of the 12th of May 2008, a threatening 8.0-magnitude of earthquake occurred on the Northwest of Chengdu, Sichuan and Southwest of Beijing in China. The China Official stated that 69,227 people were confirmed dead, 68,636people were in Sichuan territory and 374,176 people were injured with 18,222people were missing. The earthquake caused about 5  million people homeless. An estimation of 5.36 million buildings collapsed and more than 21 million buildings were damaged in Sichuan, Chongqing, Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi and Yunnan were part of the affected area. The total economic loss was estimated 86 billion US dollars. The most affected area like Beichuan, Dujiangyan, Wuolong and Yingxiu were almost completely destroyed. This Sichuan earthquake is the most stunning earthquake happened in China since the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 which killed at least 240,000  people. The roads, railways and buildings were damaged and destroyed by landslides and rock falls which were formed by the earthquake, the landside created more than 34 barrier lakes which intimidated about 700,000 people at downstream to evacuate. The road access to the region of Chengdu was cut off for a number of days. The communications of the entire city were almost broke down. The rescue teams had to proceed to the scene for more than 3 days by foot. Several months later, the nightmare wasnt ended. The aftershocks was still continued to hit the area, some of them surpassed 6 magnitudes that caused more victims and damages lost. Regardless of the large death rate in this earthquake, questions and voices raised about thousands of the initial quakes victims were children buried in shoddily built schools. Even the government institution building like hospitals, schools and factories were completely collapsed in several different areas around Sichuan. It was questioned by the parents of children and the media, how rigorously the China has been enforced the buildings code during this century. Therefore, the central government of China declared on it would use 1 trillion Renminbi (around $146.5 billion) in the coming three years to reconstruct areas ravaged after the earthquake. CONSEQUENCE OF THE EARTHQUAKE Health and Pollution The health problem in affected areas is terrible, mainly due to the lack of clean water, resulting in victims fouling and rubbish is everywhere. In addition, fires, gas leaks and water pollution are the environmental problem after the Sichuan earthquake. Communication All communication in Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other places is interrupted by the earthquake, the three provinces of public communications network infrastructure was severely damaged. Due to the sudden increased in communications, the usage of local long-distance telephone in Sichuan has risen to more than 10 times, cell phone receive rate dropped to half of the average. Sichuan Aba area of about 200 base station network paralysis; Chengdu communications network is fortunately normal, but network is busy, voice message is 7 times of usual and the SMS is 2 times of usual that resulting in congestion and SMS communication delay. Traffic   Road damaged by the earthquake which affected the aviation, Chengdu International Airport shut down immediately after the earthquake. Railways, the Baoji-Chengdu Railway and Chengdu-Kunming railway line extension and the related multiple collapsed. Highways, the earthquake caused landslides, avalanches and other secondary disasters which resulting the roads in the disaster areas and the infrastructure severely damaged and enormous loss. Landform and Water Earthquake caused the collapse of the Minjiang River and areas of landscape change that induced a large number of secondary mountain hazards, mainly landslides, debris flow, etc., in the active stage of secondary disasters after the earthquake, landslide active landslide will continue of 5-10 years, the active debris flow will continue of 10-20 years. In addition, the earthquake in Wenchuan, Beichuan and other areas formed 34 barrier lakes; and the Tangjiashan Barrier Lake is the most dangerous one. Ecology The homes of Wolong giant panda in Sichuan were destroyed by the earthquake mountain collapse, landslide, debris flow and land subsidence. Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu Province ecosystems are damaged in large area, bare soil, rivers blocked and geomorphology changed that affected the water conservation function, soil conservation function and biodiversity maintenance function to serious jeopardy. Finance and Industry After the earthquake, the Agricultural Development Bank in Beichuan County branch is affected, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange are unable to contact the listed company of Sichuan and Chongqing, and decided to suspend the 66 listed companies of both countries. The insurance industry, due to the amount insured and the insurance is low, after the earthquake, the disaster area is paid only $1.806 billion by the insurance industry. For Industry, the affected industrial enterprises in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces reached 17,923companies. The direct economic loss is $104.87 billion and other economic loss is about $83 billion. LEsson learned The earthquake happened in Sichuan, it took few days to grasp all the damages and number of casualty involved. All telecommunication was cut off, roads and bridges were destroyed by earthquake. Rescue team required to proceed to the affected area by climbing up mountains and crossing rivers by foot which caused a serious delay for the first response of the disaster. In this disaster, more than 90 % of casualties were killed by collapsed buildings. Most damaged buildings could not sustain the shock of the earthquake, even the government institution building. It obviously showed that the building code may not be upon standard or the enforcement action did not strictly comply by the local government. Introducing minimum safety standards for new building construction can largely reduce the risk from future earthquakes. In particular, improvements in the design and construction of reinforced concrete frame buildings with brick infill, in order to reduce the increase in risk. Furthermore, the urban planning in earthquake-prone regions can be improved by strengthen the buildings become more differcuit to collapse when they are shivered by earthquakes. In view of the damages were too large for local government to cope with and medical cooperation was not effective enough to rescue the casualties in the golden time. As such, the Emergency Response Plans should be recognized that for the first several hours after an earthquake, the first response is going to come from the local communities. Hence, training programs involving local volunteers are important to reduce the life loss from an earthquake. An aggressive planning and training in schools should be carried out by children knowing what to do when the shaking began. Drills should be undertaken to test the emergency response plans and keep them current with respect to changing conditions. Governmental institutions and civil society organizations should accept policies and develop programs for pro-active preparedness and mitigation instead of being concerns by response only. Awareness programs, preventive actions and long term mitigation policies will result in more responsible and capable institutions, more engaged communities and a more aware civil society. Urban risk reduction must be viewed as a partnership between the government and its citizenship. Lack of systematical rescue procedures were also noted in this disaster. A Government Logistic Centre should be established, in order to gather all the resources, supporting from Nation Wide Agency, Medical Supporting Team and Voluntary Rescue team from other country. However, the Government disaster plan should be developed to identify the resources that can respond to disaster immediately. These resources include both the human potential as well as the availability of heavy equipment, which hindered the immediate intervention of search and rescue on affected areas. Perform basic calculations to estimate the impact of the Sichuan earthquake Top 10 most important Earthquake (seismic activity) disasters for the period 1900 to 2010 Country Date No Total Affected China P Rep, Earthquake (ground shaking) 12/05/2008 45976596 India, Earthquake (ground shaking) 21/08/1988 20003766 India, Earthquake (ground shaking) 26/01/2001 6321812 Pakistan, Earthquake (ground shaking) 8/10/2005 5128000 China P Rep, Earthquake (ground shaking) 3/02/1996 5077795 Guatemala, Earthquake (ground shaking) 4/02/1976 4993000 Haiti, Earthquake (ground shaking) 12/01/2010 3700000 Peru, Earthquake (ground shaking) 31/05/1970 3216240 Indonesia, Earthquake (ground shaking) 27/05/2006 3177923 China P Rep, Earthquake (ground shaking) 1/11/1999 3020004 Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database Università © Catholique de Louvain Brussels Belgium Earthquake depends on what kind it is issued by the district, if the earthquake occurred in sparsely populated areas which loss of life and property with little or no. However, if the earthquake occurred is a modern city, there will result in lives and property great loss. In addition to the economic value of material damage, the earthquake should be considered as a result of direct and indirect economic consequences, such as urban and rural migration, production interruption, health and other social services temporary to provide normally. We can be observed from above table, the Sichuan earthquake have brought the huge implications for loss of life and property. The number of total affected in the Sichuan earthquake are 45976596 which impact large than other countries. Comparison with natural disaster in Eastern Asia in 2008 Dates Geo Disaster Numbers Start End Location Type Killed Total Affected Est. Damage (US$ Million) 00/11/2008 00/00/2009 China -Henan, Anhui, Shanxi Drought 3700000 234.294 25/05/2008 25/05/2008 China Qingzhou, Sichuan Earthquake (ground shaking) 8 351000 26/12/2008 26/12/2008 China -Yunnan province Earthquake (ground shaking) 95019 06/10/2008 06/10/2008 China -Near Ningzhong, Yangi Earthquake (ground shaking) 30 754 30/08/2008 30/08/2008 China -Miyi, Lihui , Panzhihua Earthquake (ground shaking) 40 1000589 492 21/08/2008 21/08/2008 China -Yingjiang (Yunnan province) Earthquake (ground shaking) 6 160 05/08/2008 05/08/2008 China -Sichuan province Earthquake (ground shaking) 4 13529 12/05/2008 12/05/2008 China -Wenchuan country, Wencgua Earthquake (ground shaking) 87476 45976596 85000 14/02/2008 18/02/2008 China -Yunnan province Extreme winter conditions 16 10/01/2008 05/02/2008 China -Zhejiang, Sichuan, Anhui Extreme winter conditions 129 77000000 21100 07/07/2008 07/07/2008 China -Hubei, Yunnan provinces General Flood 19 3000000 102 10/10/2008 16/10/2008 China -Hainan Island General Flood 3 50000 31/10/2008 04/11/2008 China -Yunnan, Guangxi provinces General Flood 67 411000 29 07/08/2008 11/08/2008 China -Jinghong (Yunan province) General Flood 20 810000 42 02/05/2008 05/05/2008 China -Dangyang, Shayang General Flood 3 780000 19 07/06/2008 22/06/2008 China -Jiangxi, Guangxi General Flood 176 1600000 2200 27/05/2008 05/06/2008 China -Guizhou, Hubei, Guangxi General Flood 64 538166 08/07/2008 08/07/2008 China -Long en village Landslide 15 08/09/2008 08/09/2008 China -Taoshi, near Linfen Landslide 277 35 13/06/2008 13/06/2008 China -Luliang (Shanxi province Landslide 19 14/03/2008 14/03/2008 China -Near Huocheng County Landslide 12 03/06/2008 03/06/2008 China -Zhoukou (Henan province) Local storm 10 100 23 17/04/2008 19/04/2008 China -Xinjiang Local storm 733 28/09/2008 28/09/2008 China -Ningle, Fuzhou, Putian Tropical cyclone 24/09/2008 25/09/2008 China -Near Maoming, Yanjiang Tropical cyclone 12 824 22/08/2008 23/08/2008 China -Canton, Shenzhen Tropical cyclone 4 900000 58 08/08/2008 11/08/2008 China -Leizhou Peninsula Tropical cyclone 42000 80 28/07/2008 08/08/2008 China -Yuexi, Jinzhai Tropical cyclone 1 93006 73 24/06/2008 27/06/2008 China -Sichuan, Guandong Tropical cyclone 14 340000 175 19/04/2008 19/04/2008 China -Shenzhen, Hainan Tropical cyclone 25 274000 49 25/09/2008 25/09/2008 Hong Kong (China) Tropical cyclone 58 22/09/2008 22/09/2008 Hong Kong (China) Tropical cyclone 2 112 0.38 05/08/2008 05/08/2008 Hong Kong (China) Tropical cyclone 37 23/07/2008 24/07/2008 Japan -Hachinohe Earthquake (ground shaking) 1 470 110 14/06/2008 14/06/2008 Japan -Iwate, Miyazaki, Miyagi Earthquake (ground shaking 23 448 167 28/07/2008 29/07/2008 Japan -Kobe , Kanazawa General Flood 5 50003 04/05/2008 04/05/2008 Korea -Boryeong Storm surge/coastal Flood 10 13 01/05/2008 10/09/2008 Mongolia -Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar Viral Infectious Diseases 3151 16/09/2008 16/09/2008 Taiwan Nantou Tropical cyclone 52 28/09/2008 28/09/2008 Taiwan Ilan county Tropical cyclone 30 60 90 23/09/2008 23/09/2008 Taiwan (China) Tropical cyclone 1 18/07/2008 19/07/2008 Taiwan -Stratit, Yilan Tropical cyclone 26 8 16 27/07/2008 27/07/2008 Taiwan Nantou county Tropical cyclone 2 10 Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database Università © Catholique de Louvain Brussels Belgium Comparison with the number of killed from natural disaster in China in 2008 Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database Università © Catholique de Louvain Brussels Belgium The above chart is shown as the number of 87564 killed people from natural disaster in China. The earthquake was largest number of killed people than other natural disaster. Departments should focus on research institute in the future to prevent the recurrence of earthquakes. Reducing earthquake disasters on human life and property loss and damage caused. Comparison with estimate damage ($US million) from natural disaster in Eastern Asia in 2008 Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database Università © Catholique de Louvain Brussels Belgium In economic losses, natural disasters occurred in China far more than other countries. Thus, the result has been impact on the economy to slow down the development of Chinas development. Estimation the impact of the earthquake The Sichuan earthquake led at minimum 5  million people missing housing. The estimate impact of economics might be as high as 11  million. Uncountable of agriculture were also damaged with 12.5 million animals and birds. In the Sichuan province a lot of pigs who died from out of the total number of 60 million. Catastrophe modeling firm air worldwide announced official evaluates of bought insurance amount about losses at US$1 billion in the earthquake, estimated total destroy over US$20 billion. There are including the values Chengdu, Sichuan Provinces capital city of 4.5  million people, worth US$115  billion, and having only a small part included by insurance. Multi-layered urban system LB HA IS SE NE Fast Slow Speed of change Space Narrow Vast HA Human Activities LB Land-use and Built environment IS InfraStructure SE Social Environment NE Natural Environment Ye Yaoxian 2008, Earthquake Disaster Comparatology City is a multi-layered system that includes other five levels of Natural Environment, Social Environment, InfraStructure, Land-use and Built environment, Human Activities. The above chart could estimate for urban speed of change to prevent unbalance between human activities and natural environment. Urban earthquake disaster is the earthquake struck the city of all these systems, so that the citys multi-level system of quality and functional decline. It is making the city the most vulnerable and potential dysfunction. A city could not stand the test of earthquake destruction. It depends on every level and all levels of interaction with suitable the methods and functions. China must harmonious development and sustainable management of our cities to economic afford the impact of the earthquake. Earthquake disaster is huge accident. The contributing factors of the earthquake disaster and characterized mainly the following four: Low frequency for occurrence of earthquake Disastrous earthquake in the same place where may take a hundred years or even centuries. Living in the earthquake risk residents, a life may not meet case of strong earthquake, or even generations also cannot feel by the cruel and powerful in the earthquake. Therefore, people undergo a seismic zone earthquake in the blood of the lesson often forgotten. Destruction of large areas by earthquake disaster Earthquake on the built environment, social environment and the natural environment will have major damage and impact. The damage will not only directly affect a countrys vast area, and may spread to the country, and even the world. Therefore, a comprehensive defense of this area of the disaster damage, not only requires enormous human and material resources, but also need a scientific decision support. High uncertainty to predict future earthquake We cannot accurately predict future earthquake time, location and magnitude of the three elements. Nowadays, we are in order to use the limited human and material resources to deal with a lot of uncertainty in the disaster that is almost impossible obviously. Strong interaction with natural and social factor Earthquake disaster is not only a natural phenomenon. There have also social, economic and environmental phenomena. Earthquake disaster will be the system with multi-level interaction. If the earthquake occurred in the undeveloped areas, although unexpected that but it will not form a disaster; However, if in a modern international metropolis, the world will be affected and impact. Different countries, from government to private plans are developed and adopted various measures to mitigate natural disasters, developed and developing countries start and finish a lot of assistance cooperation projects. Human factors involved in Sichuan earthquake Social and Political Factor After the earthquake, the Chinese government was quickly response to the earthquake that should be appreciation but its school construction scandal. The central government evaluates where over 7,000 not suitable engineered schoolrooms toppled in the earthquake. Chinese residents have since developed a catch phrase: tofu-dregs schoolhouses to fake materials with the quantity of structure of building which killed a lot of school children. It is because Chinas the policy of one-child, many families lost their only child while schools in the area of collapsed in the earthquake. Therefore, local officials in Sichuan province have cancelled the limit for families that only child was either killed or fatally injured in the disaster. Uneven urban development in China, especially Sichuan where were resulted in city marginalized. Sichuan public transport facilities are crude. There was difficult to access from the rescue terms. The problem has become serious in Chinas rich and poor. The well urban political planning is very important. Human vulnerability After the quake, donations from China and around the world were constantly. How many of the real victims could reach the help directly. It is because Chinas corruption problem is serious. Builders purchase building materials in the corruption or taking their commission. The result was produced tofu-dregs schoolhouses to reduce the quality of these inferior constructions. Sichuan Earthquake (Yr 2008) implication Sichuan earthquake is a disaster for two reasons: it is both an exceptional seismic event in itself, and exceeded the human abilities in the Sichuan province to encounter it. The combination of those two elements explains why this earthquake is a major disaster, with great losses. Regarding the casualties, the Sichuan earthquake is the second most important natural disaster in the world in 2008 (the first is the Nargis typhoon in Burma). But if we take into account the affected population and the economic losses, Wenchuan earthquake ranks first. The earthquake was indeed particularly devastating. The regions high vulnerability is one of the reasons for these dreadful damages, but it is not the only explanation. We can quickly name some of the earthquakes characteristics which explain the importance of damages. Ground motion observations from the earthquake indicate a long duration of ground shaking-over 100 seconds in most areas, and in rare cases as high as a few hundred seconds. The long duration of ground motion is a challenging issue in earthquake engineering because of its continuous impact, accumulating the damaging effects and compounding the development of fractures within engineering structures. As seismic waves travel through the ground, they produce both vertical and horizontal ground shaking effects, which have different structural impacts that must be accounted for in building design (Risk Management Solution, Stanford University). The vertical component of the Wenchuan earthquake was particularly important, inc reasing the damages to buildings. The surface ruptures were also exceptional and caused lots of damage (Xiwei Xu et al). There are also economic and social damage. A number of buildings and infrastructures have been destroyed or damaged. This had a significant impact on the local economy and on peoples living conditions. According to the Integrated Risk Governance Project Report (Peijun Shi et al, China) the earthquake damaged the following infrastructures: 24 express ways, 163 national and provincial highways, 7 important railways and 3 smaller ones, 22 airports (among them Chengdu airport). The electricity, communication, radio, television and water conservation infrastructures were also damaged, so were some cultural relics. 6 counties and 125 cities lacked electricity. More than 30 000 communication stations, 1 096 radio and television stations, 2473 major reservoirs, 822 electric stations, 1 105 dykes and 20 769 pipes were damaged. Roads were cut, so the access to some areas became difficult. These damages caused a degradation of the living conditions of a part of the population. For example, the damages to water pipes had consequences for 10.5 million people. The losses also concerned industry and agriculture. 17826 companies were affected and 5645 major industrial companies stopped production. In Sichuan and Gansu, 137000 hectares of crops and 486 000 hectares of forest were destroyed. Of course, the most important damage for peoples living conditions was the collapse of buildings. 15,106 million people have been displaced, essentially because of this reason (but also in order to dodge secondary disasters, such as lakes which were formed after the earthquake and could overflow, or such as landslides). Six months after the disaster, there were still 5 million peo ple who lived in temporary houses or even in tents. The amount of these losses is huge. The economic losses reached 845,136 billion Yuan in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi (with 771,717 billion Yuan only for Sichuan). Apart from the lossess on economic and society, and it was corrosion in the school buildings scandal. The Chinese central government estimates that over 7,000 poor engineered school rooms were collapsed in the earthquake., and such constructions that killed so many school children. Emergency Response Numbers of rescue personnel where have brigades from the Peoples Liberation Army going into action within 24 hours. However, Rescue efforts were very difficult from the beginning, owing to the difficult environment situation and the extensive damage to the basic public facilities. All roads delivery to Wenchuan Xian (Sichuan) had been stopped and rescuer should access to Wenchuan and this parameter on foot. In the days and weeks that followed, outside resources and personnel were delivered to the disaster zone. Reconstruction and Long Term Recovery Efforts The China State Council support for the Sichuan re-construction, the most pressing issue is to relief millions of persons as many of them still losing their home and most keep going to stay in temporary shelters of one kind or others. The Central Government of China is giving the pressure and using resources to built up the new housing when the coming of Winter. The earthquake: a shock which raises awareness about risk management The earthquake is also some kind of a test to the top management of PRC Governments reaction and abilities in general, and shock which raises awareness for the risk / emergency management system in particular. The growing importance attached to the principle of responsibility, the PRC Governments supervision of help are elements which can get a new importance in the future Chinese policy. Conclusion The Sichuan (Wenchuan) earthquake is a large-scale disaster which struck the Sichuan province, and more particularly its underdeveloped western part. Sichuan is one of the numerous Chinese provinces where earthquake risk is high: China is a country marked by natural disasters in general and earthquakes in particular. The disaster was a trial for the Chinese government and its administration, which both already had to deal with the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, at the end of the Cultural Revolution when China was far less developed than it is today. The management of the Wenchuan earthquake seems to be a rupture because of its efficiency and of the open attitude of the government, and of the multiplicity of actors who took part in relief work. In spite of difficulties, the solidarity outburst which occurred was unprecedented in the country. The time of crisis was followed by recovery, then rebuilding. This last moment was an opportunity to initiate new dynamics taking into account antis eismic norms in a more efficient way, better urban planning, programmes which integrate struggle against poverty, and also creating symbols and memorial places of the disaster. But dynamics related to this event do not only concern affected areas: the event generated a broader rise of awareness about risk issues, and had repercussions at a national scale. As a matter of fact, there are a growing number of reflections and measures about risk and disaster management in the whole administration: at a national level, but also at local officials, who fear the possibility of occurrence of a disaster in their own region. In any way, risk and disaster management appears like an important issue in land planning, and cannot be separated from economic and social development questions. The analysis of the Wenchuan earthquake can be a first approach to larger inquiries about natural disasters in China and their management for two reasons. First, it was a major disaster, which has already become a reference. Thus, its analysis can be a model to compare other events. Then, the earthquake triggered an unprecedented reaction: how are these dynamics going to evolve? This study focuses on seismic disasters, particularly on one event, whose size was exceptional. It aroused reactions and a rise of awareness which are also exceptional. China is marked by lots of disasters, which are usually less important and less spectacular. Making a list of common points and differences in the management of these different phenomena could be interesting. All of them are not national events like the Wenchuan earthquake was. Is the relative discretion of smaller disasters an obstacle for their taking into account by authorities and actors of land settlement? The Wenchuan disaster revealed many things about society and the government in China because it is an exceptional situation, a deviation from the norm. The media have built a specific memory about natural disasters, by showing the most sensational , elements or those whose description and visualization are the easiest so they have creat